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4 Signs of an Improper Windshield Replacement

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30 percent of all auto insurance claims are for windshield damage, so no driver should assume they will never need a windshield replacement. If a cracked or broken windshield isn't replaced correctly, it is a serious safety concern for anyone in your vehicle. This guide will help you identify the signs of an improper windshield replacement so you can correct the problem promptly.

1. Strange Noises While Driving

Your new windshield should be just as silent as your old one was. Your windshield is subjected to significant force due to factors like wind resistance, bumps in the road, and the vibration of the motor. If your new windshield isn't set perfectly, it may become dislodged and shift enough to create unwanted noise while you drive.

One of the most concerning noises to hear after a windshield replacement is the sound of rushing air. Air that enters through small gaps around the edges of your windshield creates a characteristic "whooshing" or "whistling" sound. A loose windshield may also rattle when you drive at high speeds.

2. Leaks Around Edges of Windshield

Water leaking around the edges of your windshield is a recipe for disaster. Windshield seepage can block visibility, promote mold growth in your car's interior, and damage electrical components if water leaks through your dashboard. If you suspect a leak but are unsure of the source, a quick trip to a car wash can confirm that your windshield is to blame.

The only guaranteed fix for a leaky windshield is to remove it and set it again after adding a new sealant. DIY sealant repair kits will not provide a permanent solution; you will need an auto glass technician to apply a new urethane seal and ensure that the windshield is placed securely to support the roof of your vehicle.

3. Visual Imperfections

Windshield glass is firm, but not completely inflexible. A completely rigid windshield would be brittle and have poor impact protection. Unfortunately, this flexibility means that a windshield can still be forced into place slightly misaligned. This will often create noticeable visual defects in the windshield.

A crooked windshield may appear to have wavy or bumpy distortions because parts of the glass are compressed. These distortions are dangerous because they are distracting and can impede the driver's view. 

The frit may appear to be sloping or uneven on a misaligned windshield. The frit is the black enamel sun-shielding near the top of a windshield. In extreme cases, there may even be visible gaps around the edges of a crooked windshield. Inspect your windshield for imperfections in direct sunlight after it is replaced.

4. Mistakes During Installation

If you watch the technicians carefully during your window replacement, you may be able to identify a failed installation much earlier. There are no shortcuts that can be taken during window replacement that will not compromise the quality of the result. While drivers shouldn't be expected to learn everything about windshield replacement, a few key things to watch for indicate a quality job.

First, make sure your windshield installer isn't tackling the project alone. Most reputable auto glass shops will assign two technicians to one replacement due to the required precision and careful handling. Your technicians will take the time to completely remove the old sealant before adding a new sealant.

Windshield replacement is an invaluable service that every driver should be familiar with. Remember these tips so you can have peace of mind that your new windshield will perform safely for years to come.

To learn more, contact a windshield replacement service near you and ask if they can assist you.
